Non-Commercial Partnership Administrator of the Trade System of the Wholesale Power Market of the Unified Energy System (ATS corporation) has formally notified Hevel Group that since December 01 this year their six solar power plants are entitled with the right to enter the wholesale electricity and capacity market as load participants. It means that the routine activities have been completed in time and the new SPP’s built by Hevel have started the schedules power deliveries into the grid.
The three solar power plants – Pugachyovsky SPP (the Saratov region, 15 MW), Orlov-Gai SPP (the Saratov region, first turn – 5 MW), the Isyangulovo SPP (the Republic of Bashkortostan, 9 MW) – have launched the power supplies in the first pricing zone of the Wholesale Electricity and Capacity Market (“Europe”). The Mayma SPP (the Altai Republic, two turns 10 MW each), the Onguday SPP (the Altai Republic, 5 MW) and the Bichura SPP (the Republic of Buryatia, 10 MW) are supplying power in the second pricing zone (“Siberia”).
Therefore, at present the on-grid solar power plants supervised by Hevel Group for the aggregate capacity of 129 MW are participating in the Wholesale Power Market and delivering power to the grid. These power plants are constructed in compliance with RF Government Decree No. 449 “On the Mechanism for the Promotion of Renewable Energy on the Wholesale Electricity and Capacity Market” dd. Nay 28, 2013. The document stipulates generation of 1.7 GW of solar power in Russia by 2020.